I wanted to draw a smutty comic with heart, so I made a list of all the things I like and that’s how this happened. The list looked like:
- humor
- sexy characters
- magic(k)
- positive D/s relationships
- bisexual relationships
- pencil skirts
- tattoos
- shapeshifters
So… yep. That’s about it. This is my first attempt at sequential art storytelling. So, have fun watching me blunder through the world of creating graphic novels.
how familiar is structured
I’ve written Familiar to have a four-act story with 24-ish pre-scripted chapters/episodes. I’ve also written these four acts to be expandable with fun, sexy filler episodes.

story chapter
Numbered by numeral + Title (e.g. 00 – FAMILIAR)
Averaging 26 pages/chapter
These chapters are linear and follow the actual story/plot of Familiar. They are broken into four acts and are pre-scripted. I will advance the story and acts as seems appropriate based on the number of smut chapters.

filler chapter
Numbered by Act + “X” + Title (e.g. 3X – DOLL)
Averaging 18 pages/chapter
These chapters are alinear and can be read in any order, though they are chronologically placed within one of the four main acts of the plot. They center around a sexy scenario and can be thought of as smutty “filler” episodes. There is room for nearly unlimited filler chapters, depending on the popularity of the comic. These chapters will be customizable by Patron polls and feedback (Influencer tier), with at least ONE poll per chapter (but probably more!).